Posts Tagged ‘USP Labs’


This week, I received my USP Labs package in the mail. I couldn’t have been more excited. Inside that package were two products that I have been waiting to try since they were released – Jack3d Micro & Test Powder.

As always, I am here to give you all my first-hand review! (more…)

Only one cardio session left. Thirty minutes away from completing the training for my second fitness competition ever. Boy, does it feel good.

II’m checking items off of the list left & right… I’m almost finished.


What a day! Even so close to competition day, things keep getting even more interesting! Instead of slowing down, they’re speeding up faster than ever!

I received some very big news today!



I know it has only been a handful of days, but I’m ready to give my review. When I first started using Jack3d as my pre-workout supplement, I knew immediately that it would become a staple in my everyday routine. It was blatantly obvious.

The same thing will be said out Yok3d.



Time to push a little harder, my friends! I received a huge shipment of products, thanks to USP Labs, yesterday!

Just in time for my final month of Mr. Tennessee training! (more…)